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Hey, I’m Sarah!

Solo female traveler (& world’s okayest travel blogger) helping you travel the world, discover surprising destinations, & have a laugh getting off the beaten path.

Likes: international solo travel, planning my next feeding, living a life I don’t have to pretend to like + obsessed with helping you do the same!

Don’t let fear hold you back.


You already know that solo travel isn’t about the IG pics or the souvenirs. It’s about transformation, self discovery, and widening the dimensions of your mind through exploration.

Don’t wait any longer— it’s your time to pursue an exceptional life of curiosity and freedom! Trust me friend— I’ve grown from a professional travel mistake maker to having this travel thing down to a science. To help you get started, I’m dropping my tried and tested travel resources: travel hacks, guides, money saving secrets, and more to help you kickstart your own adventures!


How did we get here?


With some of the best things in life, we may need a little push— one moment of insane courage to shake us out of our comfort zone and into our most empowered, best selves.

For me it was 2020— inching toward the end of my 20s and stunted by the staleness of the pandemic, I was overwhelmed by that feelingthe one where you realize the most dangerous risk of all is spending your life not doing what you want on the bet that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. I saved my money, changed out of my pjs, booked a trip to Europe, found a way to keep my 9-5, and never looked back. Fast forward to 2023 and I’m traveling the world wondering how the hell I got here. Casual.

Follow along for inspiration and information- for the real deal on bucket list destinations, solo travel tips, and stories about the rookie mistakes I’ve made (so that you can avoid them)! I hope you’re inspired to just go, because if you want to live a happier, fuller life, you have take chances- lots of them.

“I’ve fallen so deeply in love with so many places that I’m perpetually broken hearted by all of the goodbyes. I don’t believe in non-attachment; there’s no passion in that. I believe in burning. And longing. And that we leave tiny pieces of ourselves in every place that we’ve loved.”