Is water more expensive than wine in Italy?

is wine expensive in europe

I know what you’re thinking- wine being less expensive than water in Italy sounds too good to be true.

You sit down at a picturesque European cafe and ask for the essential 3: water, wine, and coffee.

When they arrive, you have a shot of water (literally, a glass the size of a shot glass), a substantial glass of wine, and a small (by American standards) coffee. Your bill is around 20 euro- which is incredible considering that a glass of wine alone in Washington DC is typically 16-22 USD, plus tip.

The breakdown:

  • Water: 9 euro
  • Coffee: 5 euro
  • Wine: 6 euro

It seems hard to believe, but in Italy, a bottle of wine in a grocery store is generally much cheaper than bottled water. A typical bottle of wine might around €2-9 while a bottle of water is around €0.20-€0.35/ liter, meaning wine is definitely more affordable per unit volume.

Pretty incredible place, but that  means drinking water can be an unexpected expense on your trip!

In Italy, the south of France, Monaco, and Spain, free tap water is not an option at most restaurants. Water at restaurants will usually be chilled and bottled and range from 6-10 euro for 1 liter. This may vary from region to region, but it’s what I encountered 99/100 times in these 4 countries.

As a human camel who has an emotional support Hydroflask water bottle on me at all times, not having free water can really add up. Here’s how you can avoid blowing your budget on water in Europe!

How to avoid paying for water at restaurants in Europe

1. Buy a case of water at a supermarket and keep it in your room.

I’ll be honest, this wasn’t ideal because of the many hotels I’ve stayed at in southern Europe, only 1 had a refrigerator, and water is still pricy in grocery stores (but still less expensive than in restaurants).

Also, I moved from city to city every few days- lugging around a case of water wasn’t practical. However, paying 5 USD for 24 bottles of water vs. 10 euro for 1 liter of water was still a no-brainer.

2. ALWAYS fill up when you can find it for free in these cities!

If you’re asking yourself “Where can I find free water in Italy,” try Rome, Milan, and Florence! I was able find free public drinking water pretty easily in those places from fountains in the populated areas. Be sure to refill your water bottle whenever you see these! In Rome, these fountains are often called “nasoni,” which translates to “big noses” and reflects their spout’s design.

Also- one of my best tips is to pick up one of these awesome water bottle holders for your trip- they hold your bottle, phone, some cash/credit cards, and have a comfy strap! I use this instead of lugging around a backpack or purse when I travel and it’s been a game changer!

3. Drink the free 1-2 bottles a day that the hotel (sometimes) leaves in your room (duh).

Again, it’s not cold water, but it’s free and you can carry it with you during the day to potentially avoid buying it at one restaurant. Like buying a case of water, it’s not ideal in my opinion- I’m one of those people that doesn’t want to carry around more than what is absolutely necessary, but if you usually carry a good backpack around with you anyway it’s a good solution.

4. Drink wine instead.

No, I’m not joking. When in Rome, do as the Romans do! When most people are drinking wine at nearly every meal, it became the drink I sipped on most often. Just remember to hydrate well when you’re getting up in the morning and when you get back to your hotel at night. (This is not medical advice* but it’s what I ended up doing!).

Interestingly, the exception to this lack of access to free water is Rome, which has 2,500 free public water fountains (with both still and sparkling cold water) scattered around the metropolitan area. It’s pure, clean spring water that comes directly from the mountains above the city, traveling down in the famous aqueducts that the ancient Romans built!

Visiting Italy soon? Be sure to check out my other helpful Italy travel blogs!

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